
December 22

We finally got some snow last night, so JF made a snow angel!

We are headed south today for Christmas. I think the snow and ice have cleared enough for us to go. So ready for a little break!

December 21

We are furiously packing and getting ready for a big two week trip down south. My little helper is just "hanging" out with me. Or maybe this a three-year-old's idea of how to hang yourself!

This certainly doesn't look like much, but it was. Before the accident! JF and Mr. Potato Head were having a snowball fight until Neylan tried to climb the bookshelf and Joseph Frosty fell over and the snowballs went everywhere! Adam carried him away on a stretcher and we just hoped that he would be healed quickly. Thankfully, he was and he was able to come back to play in the snow. Whew! That was a close one. He never was touched, so he didn't lose his magic today!

December 20

He must be checking to make sure there is enough room in the stockings for all the presents- unless he is reporting naughtiness to Santa each night! (Which might be the case!!)

December 19

Naughty, naughty!

December 18

Time for a little rest!

December 17

I think Joseph Frosty completely forgot to fly back to the North Pole the night before last, so we found him in the same spot that he was in yesterday! He must like it in the vase of ornaments!

Neylan had to come home today with a fever, so he didn't get to go back to school for his first Christmas performance. The show was called Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere! It was adorable and Grayson did a great job.

Afterwards, the parents bring treats to share. I can't believe I even allowed him to get all of this, but he chose a donut with frosting and sprinkles and a cupcake with red frosting. I'm going to pay for giving him all of this sugar and red dye later!

December 15

Sneaky, sneaky!!

Today is the day we have been waiting and working hard for since June! The Christmas musical that I directed with over 80 kids! It's very labor intensive, requires LOTS of patience, and increases our stress level tremendously, but in the end, it went off without a hitch! The kids did a great job and it was so fun to watch Grayson make his stage debut.

Grayson was in a little trio singing Happy Birthday, Jesus. It was so cute!!

No stage fright here tonight!

December 14

Just hanging out in the tree

December 13

I think he really likes to ride reindeer!

December 12

JF is reading the Christmas story underneath the Advent tree today

December 11

He's trying to get artistic and silly with our pictures!

December 10

Tonight we got to meet our new little neighbor, baby Liam. He was adorable and tolerated Grayson holding him for just a few minutes!

I think Liam is all done with Grayson!

Joseph Frosty is hanging out with Jake, Izzy, Cubby and the pirates today!

December 9

JF found someone familiar to hang out with today!

Today, Grayson and I completed a project for our upcoming children's musical. We needed to shimmer up some candles. Grayson loved helping out with the glue and glitter. 

Fortunately, it was a pretty simple task and we finished about 75 candles in no time

December 8

Time for a little artwork

December 7

Giddy-up, reindeer!

December 6

Joseph Frosty showed up driving the shoe-shoe train today!

Each year we find a night to spend with Gigi, Bill, and Shannon to celebrate Christmas. Tonight happened to be the only night of the entire month that we were all available. 

There were lots of presents to open!

And lots of cookies to be made!

A few sprinkles were added, but they decided against the frosting. Simple sugar cookies were a bit hit with the boys!

We had a really fun evening! Merry Christmas

December 5

Joseph Frosty has arrived!!

December 4

The tree and mantle are finally decorated! I can't tell you how long of a process that was! So glad I only have to do that once a year!!

December 3

Now that Thanksgiving is over, I can start putting the rest of the Christmas decor up. We love putting our nativity set in the big window in the kitchen so that everyone can see it easily when they come in. 


November 29

Today is another family favorite day- Black Friday!! Look who's out and about on this chilly morning!

After everyone's shopping spree we had dinner at OK Joes, so everyone could experience some really good KC bbq, and then headed to the Plaza and Crown Center to see all of the lights. 

November 28

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We are ready to race and burn a few calories this morning!

Then we pigged out!

And crashed!

And took time for some family photos. My how we've grown!