
January 25

Neylan was sick today with a fever that has been around since yesterday. So, they both stayed home from school today. We decided to stay in tonight instead of going to watch basketball since Neylan was more whiney than I wanted to deal with in public. So, our project tonight was to make a bird seed wreath to hang on our tree. We'll have to let it set tonight and then we'll see how it worked tomorrow! Hope the birds like cranberries!

Grayson has been asking all week to have a campout in the living room. So, I decided tonight would be the night to try it. We don't have anywhere to go tomorrow, so if we don't get good sleep, we'll just sleep all day tomorrow.

January 24

Grayson had a date tonight. We hosted a little play date this morning for some friends to come play and then for dinner went back out with them to dinner. Niether of our hubbys are home tonight, so Leah and I took four toddlers to IHOP, where kids eat free, for dinner.

January 23

Grayson did not want to go to school this morning. He was trying to do everything to convince us he was sick and needed to stay home. So, I came up with a plan! We quickly threw together some trail mix to take to his friends for their snack. This got him really excited and off he went. Ms Lydia said he was so excited about the snack he made and talked to his friends about it all day. I also let him take his new chopsticks, so that made eating his snack even more fun.

January 22

Our project for the night was to make a polar bear. We were only able to do the first part by putting shaving cream all over a paper plate. After it dries, we'll attach the ears, nose, eyes, and mouth

January 21

A couple of little people convinced me to buy them some bubble bath today.
I think they thoroughly enjoyed their bath tonight!


January 20

Daddy's first meal at home since last Sunday! Yay!!!

January 19

This morning the boys and I headed downtown for Sesame Street Live. The friends we had planned to go with got sick, so we bought their tickets, on the 11th row! The boys loved it and were very well behaved. Recently Grayson let me know that he didn't like Sesame Street anymore, but after today he has decided that "Hesame Street" isn't so bad! Neylan had a hard time sitting during the second half because he just wanted to dance in the aisle. We had a great time!!

January 18

Thanking God for his protection today after my little "run-in" with a flying object on the interstate! It was REALLY windy today and stuff was flying all over the place. As I was driving at least 70 mph, I saw something brown, thin, and rectangular flying around on the road. It looked pretty light and flimsy, like cardboard, so I just stayed where I was. Everyone else seemed to be driving over it just fine. When the car in front of me drove over it, it flew up and came straight at my windshield. And I quickly realized it wasn't cardboard. It must have been a big piece of wood. It did a bit of damage! Besides this damage, it scraped my hood and broke a seal under my hood. So thankful it hit on the passenger side, didn't come all the way through, and that I was by myself. I traded cars with Adam as soon as I could so I wouldn't have to drive with the boys in this car.

We had a nice night watching the basketball games tonight. After Grayson's frequent trips to the concession stand last week, I decided to give them an allowance for food. I got a $10 roll of quarters and found a little change purse for each of them. When they wanted something to eat, they would ask me how much it cost and then count their quarters to see if they had enough. It worked well. I might have to hit the bank every Friday night!


January 17

What are you doing Neylan?
"I'm reading stories to Scout"
"Scout, you sit here"

January 16

We had an exciting morning this morning. At 5:34 we were awakened by the horrible sound of a car crashing outside our windows. Never really heard that before, but I knew by the sound of it, it was not good. Within minutes our house was lit with lights from 5 police cars, 3 fire engines, and an ambulance. I couldn't find a good window to get everything into view, but it was a sight!
A 20 yr-old lost control somehow and flipped his car and landed in the grass across the street. He suffered life-threatening injuries and is in critical condition. I'll save the other details for those that really want to know!

January 15

It's a rare occasion when Grayson asks to be carried in the backpack. He must have needed a few minutes of cuddle time. And yes, he wore his Woody outfit all day at school and then home for the entire evening!

January 14

Our project for the day was making a spider web. I set it up and let the boys throw newspaper "spiders" at the web to see if any would stick. They lost interest quickly because their "spiders" weren't very cooperative.
Finally, one spider hanging on the web!

January 13

With Adam working 70+ hours per week from now until March, we are having to be creative with our time. Grayson has really become interested in projects. Thank goodness for Pinterest! Last night we were expecting some snow (that never showed up) so we decorated a bit more for winter. I taught the boys how to make coffee filter snowflakes and then we hung them up everywhere.

January 12

We went to a birthday party this morning. It was snowman themed. There were a couple of games for the kids to do. The first was "toss the snowball" into the basket. The player with the most points won a prize.
Our natural athlete did a great job and scored 50 points to win the game! He chose a snowman pez dispenser.

The next game was "pin the nose on the snowman". Grayson's athletic abilities did not carry him far in this game :(  He was a bit off!

Grayson's carrot is the one farthest to the left.

Neylan didn't do so well either

Whenever we go to a girl's house, these boys always find something fun to dress up in!

January 11

Upward basketball season is in full swing tonight, so I took my little crew to support Daddy and have a scrumptious dinner of concession stand food! Grayson really liked buying food from the concession stand. He went up so often that it became a bit comical. The workers were laughing so hard at him by the end of the night. Good thing I took a limited amount of money! His dinner and snacks consisted of a hot dog, chips, ring pop, popcorn, apple juice, and an apple. I had to cut him off!
Grayson just had to have this "rain drop" (aka- ring pop) for dessert

January 10

A yummy Korean lunch! There is an really good Asian market by our house and inside is a little Korean cafe. We have found some yummy dishes that we really like and the boys really like going. Today we took a friend who is moving to Seoul later this year. He has never had Korean food before, so we treated him to some of our favorites.
Before lunch we found some Pororo training chopsticks for kids and decided to buy them. I had looked at these in Seoul, but didn't want to pay the outrageous price for them. So glad I've finally found them here. The boys caught on quickly with how to use them.


January 9

I had some time to do a little decorating today. This project is still a work in progress. It's in our breakfast nook area.
This was a house-warming gift from GrandNan. It's so cute and is hanging right inside our door to go out to the garage.

January 7

The boys got some Cars bath coloring sheets and crayons. One of the pictures is big, so I told them they had to share it and color it together. What teamwork!

The finished masterpieces!