
April 19

He's so close! I see a new umbrella in our near future

April 18

"Mom, where is my manger scene? I want to play with it"
We found it in the basement and Grayson dumped all the pieces out, grabbed some trucks and some other animals and started playing
"Look Mom, Mary is driving Baby Jesus and the animals to the beach in the school bus!"

 Then Joseph drove the fire truck with Jesus perched safely on the ladder!

April 15

"Mom, look what I found outside in the puddle! I put it in my pocket"
He's all boy!!!

April 14

I allowed Adam to go to Sam's with me earlier this week (usually just turns into a much more expensive trip than I anticipated) and he convinced me that the 10 lb roll of beef was a good deal. I have never bought one before. It was a really good deal, but now I have to figure out how to divide it and store it! So, I'm browning 5 lbs tonight and freezing the rest

April 13

I went out to dinner tonight with a group of Korean adoptive mamas and came out of the restaurant to find a ticket on my car! For parking in a "fire lane" that wasn't marked whatsoever!! $5- geesh

April 12

Neylan and Grayson showing off their ipad skills to Gigi at the start of a scrapbooking weekend. I didn't let them stay too long or I wouldn't have gotten anything done!


April 11

It's time to break some bad routines!! Grayson started asking me to lay down with him when Adam started working so many hours in the winter. Since I was so tired, I gave in and agreed to lay for about 3 minutes. Well, an hour or two later, I would wake up and leave. And now, it's become a horrible habit that is going to be hard to break. But, it has to be done!
So, I finally came up with an idea I want to try. I decided I would make a sticker chart and offer an incentive for 10 stickers. He has to lay by himself to fall asleep and stay in bed all night to get a sticker. He was pretty excited about the deal when I explained it to him.  
I told him that with 10 stickers we could go out for ice cream or to dinner. He decided he wanted a prize instead and quickly decided that he wanted an umbrella!! A Batman umbrella to be exact! I hope this incentive works

April 8

Adam's dad decided he couldn't just stop with the plants he planted yesterday, so the guys went to buy weed killer and fertilizer to combat all the weeds that have taken over the grass. I sure hope it works

April 7

Our yard was left a blank slate when we bought the house. Adam's dad loves to do yardwork, so he has started designing how to add a little more curb appeal to our house. Today, he planted some rhododendrons that will bloom in a few weeks.

April 6

Mimi and Papa finally had their first experience at the farm this morning. As many times as we've been there, they've never been. So, the boys showed them around.

The goats were babies this weekend and Neylan really wanted to hold one. I was more worried about the goat than Neylan, but they both did well!

April 5

Mimi and Papa arrived this morning and the boys were eager to show Mimi their future elementary school and cool playground

April 4

It was a fun morning for the boys. Adam just got all of the cut-outs from Wreck it Ralph this morning for a new sermon series that they are starting.

April 2

Daddy took the boys to the carwash tonight. They insisted on getting out of the car and watching from the window

April 1

Grayson learned a new song tonight. Adam said he needs to sing this every night when he's trying to go to sleep.
Grayson worked all day to come up with some good April Fool's jokes. So, Adam took Grayson to the car wash tonight. When he got home he told me that Daddy wrecked my car after they washed it. He was trying so hard to have a straight face, but couldn't go long without saying, "April Fools"!! It was cute!


March 31

Happy Easter!!
He has risen!!
Ok guys, can you try to stand still so Mommy can get a picture?

pretty please???

Yes!! There it is!
This afternoon Becca's aunt and uncle from Atlanta showed up. It is such a rarity for us to have family or company on Easter, so this was definitely a special treat. And it gave me an excuse to cook a big Easter dinner.
I have to confess that this year, I completely dropped the ball and didn't notify the Easter bunny to stop by our house. But my aunt totally came through for him and brought fun gifts. And she set up an egg hunt in the living room


March 30

A busy Easter eve!
We started our morning with an Easter egg hunt at our church's other campus. It was a bit chilly, but with 3 giant inflatables to keep the kids in motion, they didn't notice

I so wish this picture was in focus. It could have been a classic!

Almost ready to start hunting!

And, they're off! They divided the field of eggs into a section of birth to 3 yr olds and 4 and up. There were about 5 kids in the field with our boys and hundreds of eggs. G & N had no problem filling their baskets to the top!

Uh oh! If you get too excited sometimes the eggs jump out of your bucket

Success! And they're all filled with candy!

After this event was over, we raced home, ate lunch as fast as we could, emptied the buckets, and ran (literally) back to our neighborhood park for our first neighborhood event. The little kids had eggs to "find" on the tennis court. Again, not a big challenge

Look who showed up at this Easter egg hunt! And guess who was apprehensive to even look at him! Both boys!! So, Adam convinced them that the Easter bunny would love it if they shared one of their eggs with him. Neylan thought that was a good idea and cautiously went over to share.

Since the bunny didn't bite or attack, Grayson found the courage to do the same

And then we convinced them to turn around and smile!

What a fun morning and afternoon! We now have enough candy to last until Halloween!

March 29

Fridays are commonly known as "boy day" around our house. Though, it's usually not a day, it's more like  "boy morning". Adam usually takes the boys to school on Friday mornings and before he drops them off, they go to the donut shop. But today, they boys didn't have to go to school. Their daycare provider had to take the day off. So, Adam took the boys to the zoo. And then to OK Joes. NOT FAIR!!


March 28

This morning we had an Easter playdate with some friends. After the kids played, we told the Easter story and helped the kids make Resurrection rolls.

This afternoon was so pretty we went to the park at the school. Adam taught Grayson how to go down the pole.