
October 10

Neylan had his 15 month check-up today, which included another round of shots! So, we talked about it all morning before we went to the doctor. Since Grayson has been so fascinated with playing doctor lately, he asked if he could have a shot. When we got there, he asked the doctor the same thing. So, she caved and let Grayson have his flu shot! Grayson also wanted me to get one, so I got my flu shot too. And then the best part- suckers for such brave boys. They didn't offer me one for being so brave! 


  1. i just got my flu shot and had a nasty reaction! my arm is super hot, red, itchy and swollen and i have a low grade fever. hope you guys did better than that!

  2. OH! and if you cry, you get a sucker too, Becca. I got 3....
