
October 18

Our Pinterest-inspired playroom is complete (for the most part)! We just need some more lighting, some more playful curtains, and some pictures in frames.


October 17

Oh no!!! This is not good. It appears that Noah, a camel, and a giraffe have been captured by pirates and taken aboard their ship. I sure hope the other animals on the ark are ok without their leader.

October 16

With camera in hand, a beautiful afternoon, some extra time, gorgeous leaves, and a bribe to get to the park I was able to capture a few cute fall pics of the boys.
This picture cracks me up because of Neylan's running face. He gets the most serious, scrunched up face EVERY.SINGLE.TIME he runs! It's hilarious. I'm going to try to get a video of it so he can see how silly he looked. He'll appreciate that in a few years, right!

I LOVE our new neighborhood. This is our view along our street. This is fall at it's best

Ah, finally made it to the park!

October 15

When we woke up this morning and saw that the forecast was 75 degrees and sunny, I decided it was a great day for the zoo! And since we haven't used our passes since we bought them, it made it an even better day to go! So, the boys and I had a little field trip.
Nikita, the polar bear, is always fun to watch. They enjoyed watching him play with his toy barrel so much that we had to go see him twice!
There was a very small crowd today so we were able to hop right on the carousel and go for a spin

Grayson has been watching the Jungle Book so much lately that the animal he wanted to see the most was the lions. This one was the only one awake at the time we went by.

Who needs a double stroller when you can just ride like this? They actually did a LOT of walking and running, which made for a nice long nap when we got home!

Did I mention how gorgeous the weather was today?

October 14

We had some guests spend the night tonight and they used all of the beds, so Grayson and Neylan got to "camp out" in our room. It was Gray's first time in a big sleeping bag and he thought it was pretty cool.
It was N's first time on and air mattress and he had to be put back on several times throughout the night because he kept rolling off!

October 13

Candy corn feet! Grayson saw this idea up on my pinterest board and asked to do it. So, we made cute candy corn feet paintings today!

October 12

A fun night with friends!
Finally using the parachute we bought at a garage sale


October 11

It's not super impressive, and may not be done yet, but my porch has started taking on the fall look. I'm glad to have a nice big porch to decorate, I just don't have much to decorate with yet. Hmmm. . . does that call for another shopping trip??

October 10

At least once a week, or more, I am reminded that I will never win the "mommy of the year" award. Major Mommy foul today! I was running so late for work this morning that I didn't send a backpack for either kid to school. Rarely ever do they have an accident and need to change clothes, so I was banking on this today. Of course, with no extra clothes on hand, both boys decided today would be a great day to have major accidents! So Lydia did the best she could by dressing them to come home, but had to put girl clothes on each of them! Backpacks will be ready to go on Friday morning!!

October 9

Neylan is becoming such a big boy, or maybe a little man, with his leg crossed while playing ipad in bed

and with our new table, we have taken his booster seat downstairs! He's doing a pretty good job of sitting on the bench to eat

October 8

The boys had a night out with Daddy tonight while I hosted a party and when they came home Grayson brought this beautiful bouquet of flowers to me. Adam said it was all his idea too!

October 7

Grayson earned his first patch in Cubbies tonight for learning his first four Bible verses. It is so cool to hear your little one start quoting scripture and coming home telling different Bible stories he has learned at church.

October 6

Today we took a day trip today to Weston. We enjoy going to the farm to see the animals and all the pumpkins. It's a great fall outing. But today, was FREEZING and felt more like winter than fall. So, our trip was much shorter today than usual.

The kids enjoyed feeding the goats

After our morning at the farm we went to the campground where the group was staying. The plan was a picnic lunch, which did happen, but most people chose to grill or heat their food over the fire!

The fall leaves were beautiful today