
March 24

Well, our glimmer of spring was short lived! We are at home this morning because we have 6.5 more inches of snow on the ground. Adam had to go to church this morning, but after I found out he had to get there with his 4 wheel drive, I wasn't about to venture out with the boys by myself.
So, we put together and played with a new train set,
admired the beautiful winter scene,

got a little creative with breakfast,

played outside,

Grayson to Neylan: "Hey Neylan, let's hug in the snow!"
Mommy: "Great idea!" (I'm so glad I have my camera ready)

and made a pirate sail for Grayon's room!
(When I get his room cleaned, I'll take more pictures to show off the whole theme)
It's taken us a little while to get used to having Adam back around at night, but the boys are slowly warming back up to him (thankfully!)


March 23

The boys got to open a special package they received today! An Easter box from Mimi and Papa!!
They had a blast looking at everything that was inside

March 22

Is that a bit of spring I see?!


March 21

This morning we had friends over to play and make another Easter craft.
We started with shaving cream and food coloring

and ended up with these pretty marbled eggs!
and then the kids had a free-for-all in the shaving cream with cars

March 20

Earlier this week the boys helped me hang a bunch of pictures on the walls. Yes, we are slowly settling in and getting decorated.
These pirate prints were hung in Grayson's room
These cute pics went up in the hallway

And these nice shots are above our bed (I still need to crop the one of Neylan and I since it's oriented wrong)

We hung a few others as well. Boy, do I feel accomplished when I get something on the walls. I put it off for so long, but it really doesn't take that long and looks so much better when it's done.

March 19

Tonight we are hosting 2 international students from the Univ of Arkansas. One guy from Panama and another guy from Indonesia. So, Grayson got to camp out in our room in his new sleeping bag.
Neylan also hung out to watch tv before bed

March 18

We started some Easter crafts this morning.

Our little bunnies turned out so cute. The only way we can tell them apart is their eyes. Neylan's bunny has black eyes and Grayson's has brown.

This afternoon (yes, we're still in our jammies) Grayson asked to play Bananagrams. Now, just how do you simplify a game like Bananagrams for a 3 year old who does not even recognize all of his letters yet?! We didn't last long (thank goodness).


March 15

Adam and I finally found time to go out to celebrate my birthday. He took me to Andres Confiserie Suisse, a French restuarant that makes amazing chocolate desserts. It was wonderful!
Today, the weather was really beautiful- 80 degrees! So, we decided to have a spontaneous cookout, since this is the first Friday night both Adam and I have been at home since the beginning of January.

This character is pretty threatening if you are trying to play ladder ball

After several people arrived, I couldn't find Neylan. I think  his introverted side came out and he retreated to the couch inside to play ipad by himself.


March 14

The boys went to Gigi's this afternoon for lunch and came home with their Easter presents. These hats are to accompany their Easter outfits. They are going to be the most handsome boys at church!

March 12

The weather looked so nice from inside the house so the boys wanted to get out and play this afternoon. But it was freezing cold!! And they wanted to ride their bikes to the park. I am such a nice mom that I agreed, but this is not ideal park weather!! Can you see Neylan's blue lips? (It's actually from a piece of candy, but it could easily be from the frigid temperatures we are playing in!)

March 11

Wow! It's so nice coming home to people ready to help clean on Monday morning
When daddies are away, we get together so the kids can play! Play date for Inna and Grayson


March 10

I couldn't leave Atlanta without meeting  a family I have been waiting to meet since Neylan came home. Their little girl, Rylan, was Neylan's roomie in Korea for 9 months. They were raised by the same foster mother. She is so stinkin' cute and her family was fabulous. It was so much fun having lunch with them today

March 9

My wonderful roomies for the weekend. Alicia is a friend from home who adopted a little girl from Ukraine at the same time we adopted Neylan. And Amanda is a new friend who I went to school with (but just met yesterday) and is in the process of adopting from India.

The view from our balcony. This would be so beautiful in the fall

March 8

Today a friend and I travelled to Atlanta for our first Created for Care adoption retreat. We stayed at the Lodge at Lake Lanier, which is absolutely gorgeous!

We started the night with a wonderful worship time with 450 other moms who all share the same passion for adoption. It's going to be a good weekend!


March 7

The snow is melting and it's above freezing today, so why not get the bikes out and get some fresh air.

And that's all that's left of our snowman

March 6

Last night Adam came home with this beautiful bouquet of flowers and said they were for me to celebrate the end of Upward season. We had survived!! How sweet!
Except that I had been at church last night for awards night and knew that there were a bunch of flowers that had been donated after a funeral that week. There's very little Adam can get by me. So, thanks for the lovely funeral flowers, Babe! He chose the day lilies because he knew I liked them. I do, but I don't think I realized how strong of a smell they have. From now on, I think I like my lilies outside.

March 5

Tonight was the last Awards night for Upward!! Adam has now completed his first season and will be able to be home a bit more now!
The entertainer was a well known, incredibly talented jump roper. He did lots of cool tricks and used a unicycle. I thought he was fun to watch, he held Grayson's attention for a while, but Neylan was not impressed and could not sit still at.all! So, halfway through the program, we left. Oh well. I tried

March 4

Our little old man, Neylan. I love how he watches TV with one leg crossed
Grayson decided he wanted to be pregnant with a monkey this morning! And without prompting, he even knows the stance!! (Please don't think I encouraged this- he did it all on his own)

Today was a big day. The window was fixed early this afternoon, so that meant that after Grayson's nap, his 10 day grounding from the ipad was over!